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5 months ago

GitHub - iCreateWorks/esigning: iCreditWorks offers a simple, seamless, and secure mobile loan application process. iCreditWorks utilizes this e-Signing service for it customers to sign loan agreements.

e-Sign Microservice is an open-source solution for securely signing documents online
The service is cost-efficient, scalable, and designed for seamless integration across platforms [ more ]
7 months ago

AWS Lambda : Delete old EBS snapshots using Boto3

AWS Lambda allows you to run code without managing servers and only pay for the compute time you consume
Lambda can be used for a variety of applications and backend services with zero administration [ more ]
5 months ago
Marketing tech

Programmatic CTV Will Hit Puberty In 2024 | AdExchanger

Advertisers are increasingly treating connected TV (CTV) as a digital performance channel and demand for programmatic CTV is expected to continue growing.
Programmatic CTV offers a cost-effective way to target and attribute ads while maintaining scale, which is why more advertisers are turning to it. [ more ]
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