Message in a bottle from 1892 discovered inside Scottish lighthouseEngineers found a 132-year-old message in a bottle in a Scottish lighthouse, connecting past and present generations.The discovery will be returned to the lighthouse after renovations.
Engineers Discover a 132-Year-Old Message in a Bottle in a Scottish LighthouseAn old glass bottle containing a handwritten note from 1892 was discovered during renovations at Corsewall Lighthouse in Scotland.
Message in a bottle from 1892 discovered inside Scottish lighthouseEngineers found a 132-year-old message in a bottle in a Scottish lighthouse, connecting past and present generations.The discovery will be returned to the lighthouse after renovations.
Engineers Discover a 132-Year-Old Message in a Bottle in a Scottish LighthouseAn old glass bottle containing a handwritten note from 1892 was discovered during renovations at Corsewall Lighthouse in Scotland.