GitHub Actions ExplainedGitHub Actions automate workflows for CI/CD pipelines efficiently, simplifying development processes and enabling continuous improvement.
Exploring secureCodeBoxAn Open-Source Continuous Security Testing Solution for DevSecOpsDevSecOps integrates security throughout the development lifecycle, and secureCodeBox provides a solution to continuous security testing in CI/CD environments.
Automate Terraform Deployments with Amazon CodeCatalyst and Terraform Community action | Amazon Web ServicesAmazon CodeCatalyst integrates CI/CD tools for efficient software delivery.
GitHub Actions ExplainedGitHub Actions automate workflows for CI/CD pipelines efficiently, simplifying development processes and enabling continuous improvement.
Exploring secureCodeBoxAn Open-Source Continuous Security Testing Solution for DevSecOpsDevSecOps integrates security throughout the development lifecycle, and secureCodeBox provides a solution to continuous security testing in CI/CD environments.
Automate Terraform Deployments with Amazon CodeCatalyst and Terraform Community action | Amazon Web ServicesAmazon CodeCatalyst integrates CI/CD tools for efficient software delivery.
Optimizing Continuous Deployment at Uber: Automating Microservices in Large MonoreposUber's redesign of continuous deployment improves automation and safety for microservices.The new Up CD system increases deployment efficiency from manual intervention to automated processes.
GitOps: Argo CD vs Flux CDGitOps automates software deployment using Git repositories as the single source of truth, offering consistency, reliability, and speed in system configuration.