How state bodies, hotels and shops are making sure discrimination cases stay secretConfidentiality clauses in discrimination cases hinder transparency and accountability.
How can SDG companies protect their business? - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comImplement contracts, Protect business information, Trademark intellectual property.
Confidentiality pact deepens mystery of how bakery clause got into California minimum wage lawCalifornia implements $20 minimum wage for fast food workersConfidentiality agreements in public policymaking can hinder transparency
Council refunded 1.5m to 'gagged' leaseholdersLambeth Council forced residents into silence with confidentiality clauses in exchange for refunds on overcharged building works, undermining transparency and neighbor's ability to seek similar discounts.
Confidentiality pact deepens mystery of how bakery clause got into California minimum wage lawCalifornia implements $20 minimum wage for fast food workersConfidentiality agreements in public policymaking can hinder transparency
Council refunded 1.5m to 'gagged' leaseholdersLambeth Council forced residents into silence with confidentiality clauses in exchange for refunds on overcharged building works, undermining transparency and neighbor's ability to seek similar discounts.
AI workers warn that companies are silencing their concerns | SemaforAI industry workers raise concerns about safety and silencing issues