First lottery opens for affordable artist studios in Gowanus * Brooklyn PaperGowanus is opening six affordable artist studios to combat rising rents and preserve the local arts community.
Gowanus Lottery Launches for Affordable Artist StudiosThe lottery for affordable artist studios in Gowanus addresses rising rent concerns and aims to support the local arts community amidst ongoing gentrification.
First lottery opens for affordable artist studios in Gowanus * Brooklyn PaperGowanus is opening six affordable artist studios to combat rising rents and preserve the local arts community.
Gowanus Lottery Launches for Affordable Artist StudiosThe lottery for affordable artist studios in Gowanus addresses rising rent concerns and aims to support the local arts community amidst ongoing gentrification.
Corporate Economic Blackmail and What to Do about It - Non Profit News | Nonprofit QuarterlyThe article discusses the issue of billionaire sports team owners seeking huge subsidies in exchange for minimal community benefits, revealing pitfalls in economic development subsidies.