#colon cancer

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1 week ago

F.D.A. Panel Endorses Safety of Colon-Cancer Blood Test

A new blood test for colon and rectal cancer screening was deemed safe and effective, though less accurate than colonoscopies or fecal tests, offering convenience but not preventing cancer development. [ more ]
1 month ago

Colon Cancer Linked to Mouth Bacteria

Colon cancer research pointing to the potential link with a mouth bacterium for better diagnosis and therapies. [ more ]
2 months ago

A Blood Test for Colon Cancer Shows Promise

Blood test for colon cancer showed 83% accuracy in detecting cancers.
Colonoscopies remain the gold standard for colon cancer screening, detecting both tumors and precancerous growths. [ more ]
2 months ago

A Blood Test Shows Promise for Early Colon Cancer Detection

Early detection of colon cancer can prevent many deaths; screening rates are low due to unpleasant methods. Blood tests may offer a simpler screening option in the future. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
2 months ago

What's News, Breaking: Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Colon cancer prevention is crucial, with guidelines recommending colonoscopies starting at age 45.
The Brooklyn Hospital Center offers a range of diagnostic and treatment procedures for gastrointestinal and liver conditions. [ more ]
3 months ago

Eduard Batlle, molecular biologist: Tumor cells are high-speed evolution machines'

Colon tumors are diseased stem cells hijacking the continuous regeneration process in the intestinal wall.
Tumor cells exhibit cellular plasticity, being highly adaptable and capable of becoming resistant to treatments. [ more ]
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
5 months ago
Dallas Cowboys

Cowboys QB Dak Prescott mocks self, opponents, in funny PSA to support cancer awareness

Dak Prescott partners with Lead From Behind to raise awareness about colon cancer through a PSA
Prescott's mother died from colon cancer in 2013, making this cause personal for him [ more ]
6 months ago

Jarvis: Hospitals are shortchanging Black cancer patients

Treating all patients with the same level of high-quality care could narrow the disparity in outcomes for Black and White colon cancer patients.
Access to high-quality care has long been considered the main culprit for the disparity in outcomes for Black colon cancer patients.
The new analysis from the American Cancer Society suggests that oncology practices need to reflect on whether they are always offering equitable care. [ more ]
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