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2 months ago

How to Share Code Between Micro Frontends

Micro frontends can be used as building blocks for different projects to maintain a consistent look and user experience.
Bit offers tools for component-driven development, allowing shared code among micro frontends. [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
3 months ago

Monorepos with Yarn Workspaces

Monorepos allow storing code for various projects in one repository, facilitating code sharing and simplifying dependency management.
Yarn workspaces, tailored for monorepos, enable managing dependencies and scripts for each project in a multi-package setup. [ more ]
2 months ago

How to Share Code Between Micro Frontends

Micro frontends can be used as building blocks for different projects to maintain a consistent look and user experience.
Bit offers tools for component-driven development, allowing shared code among micro frontends. [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
3 months ago

Monorepos with Yarn Workspaces

Monorepos allow storing code for various projects in one repository, facilitating code sharing and simplifying dependency management.
Yarn workspaces, tailored for monorepos, enable managing dependencies and scripts for each project in a multi-package setup. [ more ]
6 months ago

How To Effectively Share Code Between AWS Lambda Functions?

Sharing code between Lambda functions in AWS can lead to easier maintenance, smaller bundle sizes, and increased team efficiency.
Bit components provide a novel way of sharing code between frontend and serverless backend in a loosely coupled manner.
Common strategies for sharing code among Lambda functions include putting shared code in one place, using Lambda Layers, and using tools like Serverless Framework and AWS CDK. [ more ]
6 months ago

How To Effectively Share Code Between AWS Lambda Functions?

Sharing code between Lambda functions in AWS can lead to easier maintenance, smaller bundle sizes, and increased team efficiency.
Bit components provide a novel way of sharing code between frontend and serverless backend in a loosely coupled manner.
Common strategies for sharing code among Lambda functions include putting shared code in one place, using Lambda Layers, and using tools like Serverless Framework and AWS CDK. [ more ]
6 months ago

How To Effectively Share Code Between AWS Lambda Functions?

Sharing code between Lambda functions in AWS can lead to easier maintenance, smaller bundle sizes, and increased team efficiency.
Bit components provide a novel way of sharing code between frontend and serverless backend in a loosely coupled manner.
Common strategies for sharing code among Lambda functions include putting shared code in one place, using Lambda Layers, and using tools like Serverless Framework and AWS CDK. [ more ]
6 months ago

Is it safe to share code between Microservices?

Code sharing between microservices can be challenging in both monorepo and multirepo approaches.
Using packages or modules can provide a more manageable solution for code reuse, but has limitations.
The use of shared libraries or APIs can offer a more flexible and scalable approach to code sharing. [ more ]
6 months ago

Is it safe to share code between Microservices?

Code sharing between microservices can be challenging in both monorepo and multirepo approaches.
Using packages or modules can provide a more manageable solution for code reuse, but has limitations.
The use of shared libraries or APIs can offer a more flexible and scalable approach to code sharing. [ more ]
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