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3 weeks ago

Optimizing your C/C++ programs for Arm Platforms

Compilers can generate optimized code, but programmers can help improve performance by understanding techniques like memory aliasing, memory latency, and leveraging integer operations. [ more ]
1 month ago

Unnecessary else statements

Unnecessary 'else' statements in Python can sometimes impact readability.
Removing 'else' statements can be beneficial for improving the clarity of code. [ more ]
2 months ago

The wrong way to speed up your code with Numba

Using Numba can speed up NumPy-based code by compiling Python to machine code easily.
Numba can be used wrongly by sticking to NumPy-style full array transforms instead of for loops. [ more ]
2 months ago

INP Optimization: Your Roadmap to Improving Website Performance and Google Rankings

FID is currently an important metric for measuring website performance, but will be replaced by INP in the future, which focuses on the latency of all user interactions.
Common reasons for long interaction duration include issues with styles affecting performance, as well as tasks blocking the main thread during user interactions. [ more ]
New Relic
3 months ago

The ROI of application performance optimization

Application performance optimization (APO) is a set of practices and strategies designed to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of applications.
APO involves a holistic approach, encompassing various elements such as code optimization, server management, and user interface enhancements. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mistral AI Models Are Now Available on Amazon Bedrock

Mixtral 8x7B and Mistral 7B models now on Amazon Bedrock for generative AI applications.
Mistral AI models excel in text summarization, question answering, and code generation tasks. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

webpack adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Webpack is a JavaScript bundler that helps optimize code and improve performance.
Bundling is a relatively new concept in web development, with webpack being a popular choice in recent years. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago

8 tips to reduce unused JavaScript - LogRocket Blog

Unused JavaScript adds unnecessary size to the bundle and slows down performance.
Code splitting and tree shaking are effective techniques for removing unused JavaScript.
Optimizing JavaScript bundle size improves performance and load times. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Breaking down the (dependency) monolith-Part 1

Refactoring breaks down monolithic code dependencies for increased modularity.
Splitting libraries into 'slices' enables granular consumption, reduces risks, and minimizes dependencies. [ more ]
3 months ago

React & Javascript Optimization Techniques

Debouncing, throttling, memoization, pure components, lazy loading, virtualization, error boundaries, and inline functions are common techniques for optimizing code.
Debouncing is a technique used to limit the execution of functions that consume a lot of time, improving application performance. [ more ]
1 year ago

Python: My Favorite Python Tricks for LeetCode Questions

Utilize Python's documentation for quick help with functions, use enumerate() for list iteration, leverage items() for dictionary looping, prefer get() over [] for safe key lookup, understand the versatility of range(), adopt f-strings for better debugging, and implement lists as stacks. [ more ]
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