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1 month ago

Avoid Nesting when you're Testing

Nesting in tests can lead to unmaintainable code with test hooks like beforeEach.
Using utilities for simple tests may add unnecessary complexity for maintainers. [ more ]
2 months ago

Javascript Solid Principles

Each class should have a single responsibility (SRP)
Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification (OCP)
Subtypes should be substitutable for their base types (LSP) [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

How to use CSS variables like a pro - LogRocket Blog

CSS now supports using custom properties, also known as CSS variables, to avoid repetitive CSS property values.
CSS variables provide a way to use variables in CSS like you would in a programming language, making your code more maintainable. [ more ]
8 years ago

Wrapping Java with C++ Objects - JNI OOP

JNI helps Java code interact with C++ through reflection-oriented implementation.
Using C++ wrappers can simplify the JNI code, making it more reusable and maintainable. [ more ]
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