#coalition government

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1 week ago
Europe politics

European election tests an unpopular government and a scandal-hit far-right party in Germany

German politics are in a disgruntled, volatile state ahead of the European Parliament vote on June 9.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government in Germany is facing various challenges, including low popularity ratings and infighting. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Netherlands: Former spy chief to lead right-wing coalition DW 05/28/2024

Former head of Dutch intelligence, Dick Schoof, to become Prime Minister at the head of a right-wing-led coalition government. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Former intelligence chief to become Dutch PM as part of business cabinet'

Former intelligence chief Dick Schoof appointed Dutch prime minister after far-right party's election success. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Far-right Geert Wilders agrees deal for Dutch coalition government

Far-right leader Geert Wilders forms his first rightwing coalition government in the Netherlands, leading an uneasy four-party alliance. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Croatia's conservatives embrace far-right party in new government

Croatia's ruling HDZ party formed a right-wing coalition ahead of European elections, excluding minority representation. [ more ]
1 month ago
London politics

John Swinney suggests Labour would do a deal with the SNP in a hung parliament

SNP leader predicts Labour/SNP deal after next general election. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe politics

European election tests an unpopular government and a scandal-hit far-right party in Germany

German politics are in a disgruntled, volatile state ahead of the European Parliament vote on June 9.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government in Germany is facing various challenges, including low popularity ratings and infighting. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Netherlands: Former spy chief to lead right-wing coalition DW 05/28/2024

Former head of Dutch intelligence, Dick Schoof, to become Prime Minister at the head of a right-wing-led coalition government. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Former intelligence chief to become Dutch PM as part of business cabinet'

Former intelligence chief Dick Schoof appointed Dutch prime minister after far-right party's election success. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Far-right Geert Wilders agrees deal for Dutch coalition government

Far-right leader Geert Wilders forms his first rightwing coalition government in the Netherlands, leading an uneasy four-party alliance. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Croatia's conservatives embrace far-right party in new government

Croatia's ruling HDZ party formed a right-wing coalition ahead of European elections, excluding minority representation. [ more ]
1 month ago
London politics

John Swinney suggests Labour would do a deal with the SNP in a hung parliament

SNP leader predicts Labour/SNP deal after next general election. [ more ]
5 months ago
Germany politics

EXPLAINED: Could the far-right AfD ever take power in Germany?

Over half of Germans now say they'd vote for conservative parties, including the CDU, AfD, or FDP.
Major German parties have a policy of not working with the AfD to form governments, known as the cordon sanitaire or Brandmauer. [ more ]
#New Zealand
Washington Post
6 months ago
Europe politics

New Zealand shifts to the right, but only slightly by global standards

New Zealand forms a coalition government after six weeks of negotiations.
The new government will have a shift to the right compared to the previous Labour government.
Christopher Luxon will be the prime minister with Winston Peters as the deputy prime minister. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

New Zealand's Luxon forges deal to lead new coalition government

New Zealand's National Party, ACT, and New Zealand First have formed a coalition government, with Christopher Luxon set to become prime minister.
The negotiations took six weeks to agree on a joint policy platform with coalition partners.
The coalition government will address policies on taxation, race relations, and economic management. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
Europe politics

New Zealand shifts to the right, but only slightly by global standards

New Zealand forms a coalition government after six weeks of negotiations.
The new government will have a shift to the right compared to the previous Labour government.
Christopher Luxon will be the prime minister with Winston Peters as the deputy prime minister. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

New Zealand's Luxon forges deal to lead new coalition government

New Zealand's National Party, ACT, and New Zealand First have formed a coalition government, with Christopher Luxon set to become prime minister.
The negotiations took six weeks to agree on a joint policy platform with coalition partners.
The coalition government will address policies on taxation, race relations, and economic management. [ more ]
moreNew Zealand
8 months ago
Germany politics

Far-right surge upends German state elections

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) surged in two German state elections, while the federal coalition parties suffered significant losses.
Conservative parties, such as the Christian Social Union (CSU) and Christian Democratic Union (CDU), won clear victories.
The AfD's strong performance outside its traditional base suggests expanding support and has sparked concern among mainstream parties. [ more ]
6 months ago
Germany politics

Germany's Greens set for soul-searching at party conference DW 11/22/2023

The Green Party is facing challenges in maintaining their alliance with the Social Democrats and Free Democrats.
Immigration has become a controversial issue and is causing conflict within the party. [ more ]
6 months ago
Germany politics

The accounting error that could kill Germany's coalition

Germany's three-way coalition government is facing disarray after a court ruling deemed a key environmental strategy unconstitutional.
The ruling significantly damages the coalition's plans to transition the German economy away from fossil fuels.
The future of the coalition is uncertain, with speculation that Chancellor Olaf Scholz may seek a new coalition or even call for early elections. [ more ]
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