Berenike IVBerenike IV's brief reign ended with her execution after her father's return to power, amidst civil unrest in Egypt.
Ptolemy XIIPtolemy XII's reign was marked by bribery and efforts to prevent Roman annexation, ensuring the survival of the Ptolemaic dynasty.
Berenike IVBerenike IV's brief reign ended with her execution after her father's return to power, amidst civil unrest in Egypt.
Ptolemy XIIPtolemy XII's reign was marked by bribery and efforts to prevent Roman annexation, ensuring the survival of the Ptolemaic dynasty.
The Fall of Egypt and the Rise of Rome by Guy de la Bedoyere (Book Review)The rise of Rome was intertwined with the Ptolemaic dynasty's decline, resulting in Egypt's eventual fall to Roman dominance.
Expert searching for Cleopatra's tomb makes 'significant' discoverySignificant archaeological discovery may reveal Cleopatra VII's likeness and burial site, sparking debate among experts about her final resting place.