Trump and Musk have launched a new class war. In the UK, we must prepare to defend ourselves | George Monbiot
Billionaires are openly leading efforts to attack public spending, directly impacting the working classes and their protections.
Billionaires like Elon Musk don't just think they're better than the rest of us they hate us | Zoe Williams
The article critiques the current behavior of the wealthy, highlighting their disconnect from reality despite their claims to care about global issues.
Trump and Musk have launched a new class war. In the UK, we must prepare to defend ourselves | George Monbiot
Billionaires are openly leading efforts to attack public spending, directly impacting the working classes and their protections.
Billionaires like Elon Musk don't just think they're better than the rest of us they hate us | Zoe Williams
The article critiques the current behavior of the wealthy, highlighting their disconnect from reality despite their claims to care about global issues.