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2 months ago

Millions of dollars in the red, Morgan Hill schools announce staff cuts to fight budget shortfall

Budget shortfall forces school staff cutbacks
Cost-cutting measures implemented to address deficit [ more ]
4 months ago

Berkeley schools tax that pays for small class sizes and more is up for renewal in March

Berkeley is voting on a parcel tax renewal that funds school programs and lowers class sizes.
Measure H would raise the tax rate from 37 cents to 54 cents per square foot. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago

Adams to ask Albany to extend control of schools amid budget crunch

Albany lawmakers are considering whether to strip New York City of control over its schools due to issues such as reduced class sizes and a surge of migrant students.
Mayor Eric Adams and his administration are lobbying for more funding for the migrant crisis, housing tax breaks, and a crackdown on illegal smoke shops. [ more ]
5 months ago

NYC's class size working group delivers recommendations - but some members dissent

A working group advising NYC public schools on class size caps released its final recommendations
The report includes over 50 suggestions, such as capping enrollment and offering financial incentives for teacher hiring. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

Class-size cap proves the UFT couldn't care less about students

A state law reducing class sizes in NYC schools may negatively impact the neediest students.
The law could result in more teachers being added to high-performing schools rather than low-performing ones, prioritizing union membership over education improvement. [ more ]
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