CJEU Says Copyrighted Works of Art Get EU Protection Regardless of Standard in Origin CountryThe CJEU ruling extends protection for applied art in the EU to all creators, not limited by nationality or country of origin.
Diarra verdict a landmark day which could alter balance of football power | Paul MacInnesThe CJEU's ruling could dramatically alter football's transfer market, similar to the landmark Bosman ruling.
Fifa's transfer rules go against European Union law, declares EU's highest courtFifa's transfer rules violate EU law, threatening to disrupt the football transfer system and player movement across Europe.
Diarra verdict a landmark day which could alter balance of football power | Paul MacInnesThe CJEU's ruling could dramatically alter football's transfer market, similar to the landmark Bosman ruling.
Fifa's transfer rules go against European Union law, declares EU's highest courtFifa's transfer rules violate EU law, threatening to disrupt the football transfer system and player movement across Europe.
Google loses appeal against EU's 2.4B Shopping antitrust decision, as bloc also wins Apple state aid appeal | TechCrunchGoogle's appeal against a 2017 antitrust ruling was dismissed by the EU's highest court, reaffirming penalties for anti-competitive practices.
Football Daily | Lassana Diarra and the day transfers (possibly) changed forever, yeah?The CJEU ruling signals a potential revolution in football's transfer system, challenging FIFA's regulations.
Google loses appeal against EU's 2.4B Shopping antitrust decision, as bloc also wins Apple state aid appeal | TechCrunchGoogle's appeal against a 2017 antitrust ruling was dismissed by the EU's highest court, reaffirming penalties for anti-competitive practices.
Football Daily | Lassana Diarra and the day transfers (possibly) changed forever, yeah?The CJEU ruling signals a potential revolution in football's transfer system, challenging FIFA's regulations.
Processing of Personal Data That May Indirectly Reveal Sensitive Information on the Basis of a Legal Obligation: The CJEU Draws the Contours | Data Law InsightsCJEU ruling emphasizes that legal obligations for data processing must be lawful, serving public interest and proportionality under GDPR.