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3 months ago

Almost Half the Families Who Got 60-Day Eviction Notices Moved Out of Shelters

Migrant families in certain city shelters are being subjected to a newly implemented 60-day policy, resulting in half moving out so far.
Around 1,300 families reapplied for shelter while 16% remained in the same shelter after their 60-day limit expired. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
New York City

Two NY Democrats want to lift Adams administration's 'cruel' limits on NYC migrant shelter stays

Two New York state Democrats introduce legislation to remove limits on migrant stays in city shelters.
Advocates argue that the policies are inhumane and counterproductive, while City Hall maintains that the caps are necessary. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago

Editorial: No migrant should be kicked out of a shelter in this weather

Mayor Brandon Johnson suspends 60-day rule for migrants occupying city shelters due to cold weather
Governor J.B. Pritzker writes to Texas Governor Greg Abbott urging him to suspend busing program for migrants [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
New York City

Two NY Democrats want to lift Adams administration's 'cruel' limits on NYC migrant shelter stays

Two New York state Democrats introduce legislation to remove limits on migrant stays in city shelters.
Advocates argue that the policies are inhumane and counterproductive, while City Hall maintains that the caps are necessary. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago

Editorial: No migrant should be kicked out of a shelter in this weather

Mayor Brandon Johnson suspends 60-day rule for migrants occupying city shelters due to cold weather
Governor J.B. Pritzker writes to Texas Governor Greg Abbott urging him to suspend busing program for migrants [ more ]
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