'My body went: no, we're in too much pain now'- Ciara Mageean on the injury that forced her out of Paris and why she's not giving up on her Olympic dreamCiara Mageean faced a traumatic setback due to injury before the Paris Olympics but is now committed to recovery and future goals.
'My body went: no, we're in too much pain now'- Ciara Mageean on the injury that forced her out of Paris and why she's not giving up on her Olympic dreamCiara Mageean's injury ahead of the Paris Olympics has shifted her focus to recovery and future goals, specifically the LA 2028 Games.
'My body went: no, we're in too much pain now'- Ciara Mageean on the injury that forced her out of Paris and why she's not giving up on her Olympic dreamCiara Mageean faced a traumatic setback due to injury before the Paris Olympics but is now committed to recovery and future goals.
'My body went: no, we're in too much pain now'- Ciara Mageean on the injury that forced her out of Paris and why she's not giving up on her Olympic dreamCiara Mageean's injury ahead of the Paris Olympics has shifted her focus to recovery and future goals, specifically the LA 2028 Games.