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3 months ago
Public health

How did the world run so low on cholera vaccine? As outbreaks grow, stockpile runs dry

Global cholera vaccine stockpile depleted
Challenges in meeting the demand for cholera vaccines [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

Deadliest Cholera Outbreak in Past Decade Hits Southern Africa

Deadly cholera outbreaks are occurring in multiple countries in central and southern Africa.
This is the deadliest regional outbreak in Africa in at least a decade, infecting over 220,000 people and causing over 4,000 deaths. [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

Climate Change Behind Africa Cholera Surge, Top Health Officials Say

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention attributes the worst cholera outbreak in three years to climate change.
Cholera outbreaks have swept across more than a dozen African countries, causing hundreds of deaths and stressing already fragile health systems.
Shortages of cholera vaccines are hampering efforts to contain the disease, with Africa needing as many as 80 million doses but only having access to 15 to 18 million doses globally. [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

Deadliest Cholera Outbreak in Past Decade Hits Southern Africa

Deadly cholera outbreaks are occurring in multiple countries in central and southern Africa.
This is the deadliest regional outbreak in Africa in at least a decade, infecting over 220,000 people and causing over 4,000 deaths. [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

Climate Change Behind Africa Cholera Surge, Top Health Officials Say

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention attributes the worst cholera outbreak in three years to climate change.
Cholera outbreaks have swept across more than a dozen African countries, causing hundreds of deaths and stressing already fragile health systems.
Shortages of cholera vaccines are hampering efforts to contain the disease, with Africa needing as many as 80 million doses but only having access to 15 to 18 million doses globally. [ more ]
5 months ago
Public health

Cholera cases soar globally amid shortage of vaccines

Cholera cases and deaths increased globally in 2023, surpassing the numbers from the previous year.
The outbreak is overwhelming health systems and causing a grade 3 emergency, with Malawi and Haiti experiencing the worst outbreaks. [ more ]
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