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5 months ago

Thousands of children wait nearly a year in unacceptable' custody courts backlog

Soaring backlogs in family courts are negatively affecting children's welfare.
Thousands of children are spending Christmas uncertain about their future due to delays in the family court system. [ more ]
5 months ago

Thousands of children wait nearly a year in unacceptable' custody courts backlog

Soaring backlogs in family courts are negatively affecting children's welfare.
Thousands of children are spending Christmas uncertain about their future due to delays in the family court system. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Thousands of children wait nearly a year in unacceptable' custody courts backlog

Soaring backlogs in family courts are negatively affecting children's welfare.
Thousands of children are spending Christmas uncertain about their future due to delays in the family court system. [ more ]
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