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1 year ago

Apple's Ad Is a Milestone in Disability Representation

Though about  15% of the global population is disabled, people with disabilities remain far underrepresented in advertising.But a new ad from  Apple is notable for featuring an inclusive, disabled cast demonstrating their talents.Apple's campaign, titled "The Greatest," launched this week ahead of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on Dec. 3.
1 year ago
Europe news

Amid the Slog of Mud Season, the Ukrainian Military Keeps Advancing

KYIV, Ukraine  Ukrainian forces advanced on the Russian-occupied city of Kherson in the south on Friday, and the two sides battled over smaller cities in the east, as the armies fought not only each other but also a thick clay muck that can swallow vehicles' wheels and soldiers' boots whole.It is the muddy season, called bezdorizhzhya in Ukrainian and rasputitsa in Russian.
the Guardian
1 year ago
Europe news

Putin's nuclear threat shows a desperate man out of options | Simon Jenkins

ladimir Putin is ready to use a nuclear weapon in his ongoing attempt to conquer Ukraine.Or so says Vladimir Putin.
East Bay Times
1 year ago

Saratoga nonprofit provides education to special needs adults

For many special-needs adults, education ends after high school or college.The College of Adaptive Arts (CAA) gives these adults education and social opportunities at all ages.
San Francisco Bay Times
1 year ago

In Memoriam: Bette Schnitzer (1929-2022) - A Teacher So Beloved and Popular That She Was Known by Just a Single Letter: 'S' - San Francisco Bay Times

Bette Schnitzer, the mother of Spritz Co-Founder and President Beth Schnitzer, died on May 11.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Trash Talk: Begin with the End in Mind - emptywheel

Golf widow here, once again enjoying a calm sunny Sunday afternoon left to my own devices.The leaves are nearly all fallen and blow away, the migratory birds have taken flight leaving only the hardiest yet to make the seasonal trek.Winter is definitely coming.Not to go all Stephen Covey on you, but I began this post yesterday with its end in mind.
the Guardian
1 year ago

'It was change or die': why morris men are now welcoming morris women

As I said, women have always done morris dancing, with or without some official seal of approval.There are records of women morris dancing in Oxfordshire in the 19th century, but it's true that early 20th-century revivalists made it a men-only thing.Last week, they rehearsed with women for the first time at Ide memorial hall in Devon.When they were excluded by the Ring, women simply set up their own teams, seeking recognition where they could find it.A third of the Morris Ring's member sides are now mixed male/female teams, and more than half of Britain's morris dancers are women.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles Rams

Schools ready for expanding Rams and Chargers-sponsored girls' flag football league

Back in Joe Torres' days in Baltimore building up the football program at St. Francis Academy, the halftimes of homecoming games were special.
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