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3 months ago
Europe news

Farmers in Europe: are you taking part in the protests?

Farmers across European countries are protesting, including blockading ports and roads with tractors and farm vehicles.
The protests are motivated by concerns over cheap imports and the impact on the agriculture sector. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Farmers' protests have sprung up across Europe, even as some cease

European farmers across multiple countries are protesting low wages, heavy regulation, and unfair competition from cheap imports.
French and Romanian farmers have reached agreements with their governments to address their grievances and have begun lifting roadblocks and protests. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Why are farmers protesting across the EU and what can the bloc do about it?

Farmers across Europe are protesting due to falling sale prices, rising costs, heavy regulation, powerful retailers, debt, climate change, and cheap imports.
Farmers' costs have risen while farm-gate prices have dropped, contributing to their grievances and protests. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

French farmers block major roads in protest over EU policies

French farmers protest to demand more government support
Protests follow similar actions in other European countries ahead of upcoming elections [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Farmers cause disruption at Dover in protest over cheap imports

UK farmers protest against cheap imports that they claim will drive them out of business.
Protests in France and the UK highlight concerns about foreign competition and low pay in the agricultural sector. [ more ]
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