Don't Fall for Trump and Musk's ChaosThe Trump administration's chaos strategy aims to minimize accountability and distract critics.
Silo Recap: Breakdown, It's All RightBernard Holland embodies a villain who thrives on chaos, believing it aligns with his long-term plans despite the potential unpredictability of human nature.
Supreme Court could make it easier for projects to ignore environmental impactThe Supreme Court's decision could redefine the application of NEPA and its environmental assessments.
Without chaos theory, social science will never understand the world | Aeon EssaysThe social world is increasingly unpredictable, challenging the belief in structured, orderly systems.
Football Daily | France in a flap again as Deschamps ponders Butterfly EffectDidier Deschamps navigates team tensions and questions about Kylian Mbappe's commitment amid humorous distractions like a butterfly at his press conference.
High-Dimensional Sudoku Puzzle Proves Mathematicians Wrong on Long-standing Geometry ProblemTiling in higher dimensions can result in nonrepeating chaos, challenging the periodic tiling conjecture.A new type of strictly aperiodic tile was discovered, disproving the conjecture that all tiling must repeat.