Charli XCX Tells Marcello Hernandez Her Real Name' on SNLCharli XCX humorously reveals her real name, Charleston Ten One Hundred Ten, while showcasing her fun personality during SNL.
Hugh Jackman Jokingly Weighed In On Claims That Ryan Reynolds Isn't Funny In Real LifeMartha Stewart candidly revealed that Ryan Reynolds is serious in real life, despite his comedic acting skills.
Will Smith's Fart Led To Men In Black Set EvacuationWill Smith's unexpected fart forced a three-hour evacuation during a scene of 'Men in Black', highlighting humorous behind-the-scenes moments.
George Clooney pranked Tom Cruise by posing as Brad Pitt for fake 'Interview with the Vampire 2' pitchClooney humorously pranks actors by sending them fake letters, showcasing his playful side and friendship within Hollywood.