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3 months ago
US politics

Donald Trump's Man in Nevada

The chairman of Nevada's Republican Party, Michael J. McDonald, has a close alliance with former President Donald Trump.
Nevada will hold caucuses to determine Republican delegates, with Trump as the only major candidate on the ballot. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
US politics

Iowa caucus dispatch: 'Nothing would stop me coming here to vote for Trump'

Iowans braved the cold weather to attend caucuses.
Stopping migration across the southern border was a top concern for caucus-goers. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

How the Iowa Caucuses Work, Step by Step

Caucuses can be confusing for those unfamiliar with the process.
Caucuses have their critics who argue they make voting inaccessible and result in lower turnout than primaries. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

AP VoteCast: Iowa caucusgoers want big changes, see immigration as more important than the economy

Iowa Republicans prioritize immigration over the economy as a key issue in the state's caucuses.
Many Republican caucusgoers want major changes from President Joe Biden's policies on various issues. [ more ]
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