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4 weeks ago

University of Chicago President Says Encampment Cannot Continue'

The University of Chicago President has decided to end a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus, despite its history as a model for free expression. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

What Charges Will the Protesters Occupying the Columbia Building Face?

Student protesters at Columbia University may face charges but are unlikely to be found guilty of criminal charges. [ more ]
1 month ago

Gaza protesters occupying California university building arrested in police crackdown

Police crackdown on pro-Palestine demonstration at Cal Poly Humboldt, arrest dozens including journalist, causing clashes between law enforcement and students. [ more ]
4 months ago

They were arrested at a pro-Palestinian sit-in. Now, three UMass students aren't allowed to study abroad.

UMass Amherst students have had their study abroad eligibility revoked after participating in a campus protest in support of Palestinians.
The students argue that they are facing harsh punishment because of their political views, while the university claims they are following standard policies. [ more ]
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