Can you brake check a driver for following too closely? Here's what California law saysBrake checking is illegal in California under Vehicle Code 22109, to avoid rear-end collisions caused by aggressive drivers.
Can police pull you over in California for not wearing a seat belt? See state safety rulesCalifornia mandates all drivers and passengers wear seat belts, with specific regulations for children under 8.Police can pull you over if you or your passengers are not wearing seat belts.
Can you brake check a driver for following too closely? Here's what California law saysBrake checking is illegal in California under Vehicle Code 22109, to avoid rear-end collisions caused by aggressive drivers.
Can police pull you over in California for not wearing a seat belt? See state safety rulesCalifornia mandates all drivers and passengers wear seat belts, with specific regulations for children under 8.Police can pull you over if you or your passengers are not wearing seat belts.
Is it OK to drive with expired car registration tags? Here's what California law saysOne main point of the article is to outline the California Vehicle Code rules regarding expired car registration and the consequences drivers might face for non-compliance.