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Sacramento Bee
2 weeks ago

New 'How to California' series is here to help you navigate life in the Golden State

How to California is a guide to navigate the laws, culture, and lifestyle in California. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago
Canada news

Can I be fired for smoking weed in off-hours? Grow cannabis at home? California laws to know

California laws on cannabis cultivation and use, including growing plants at home and employment rights regarding off-hours marijuana use. [ more ]
2 months ago
LA Dodgers

Los Angeles Sports Fans Are Bewildered by Gambling Scandal

Shohei Ohtani's firing of the interpreter over a gambling scandal has left fans bewildered.
New laws in California aim to address mental illness and homelessness crises. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
4 months ago

Sacramento man sees a dog fly out of truck on Highway 50. Can pets legally ride in the bed?

Dogs riding in the bed of pickup trucks in California are at serious risk of injuries.
Witnesses share their experiences of dogs being injured or killed after flying out of pickup trucks. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago

Nation's largest single-family home landlord to pay $3.7 million in California rent-gouging case

Invitation Homes will pay $3.7 million in civil penalties and restitution for allegedly violating California rent gouging laws.
The company increased rents for 1,900 tenants above the allowable amounts per state laws between October 2019 and December 2022. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
5 months ago
San Francisco

New Year, New Laws - San Francisco Bay Times

AB 579 requires all new school bus purchases after 2035 in California to be zero emission, improving air quality and student health
AB 449 requires law enforcement agencies in California to adopt a hate crimes policy and treat hate crime victims consistently with respect [ more ]
The Sacramento Bee
6 months ago

Can I run a red light if it won't change? Flash my high beams? Know these California laws

Flashing high beams to signal other drivers is illegal in California.
Running a red light is not allowed, even if it takes a long time for the light to turn green.
Having a dog ride in your lap while driving is not explicitly mentioned in state law. [ more ]
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