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Los Angeles Times
3 weeks ago

California Supreme Court to rule on high-stakes battle over ballot measure restricting tax increases

The California Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the legality of a ballot measure that could significantly impact the balance of power between business and labor. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

McDonald's owners slam California lawmakers in election ads after fast food minimum wage fight

McDonald's franchise owners are unhappy with California labor laws.
Franchise owners are politically engaging to protect business interests. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

The features investors want are not the ones your users need

UX research should prioritize the needs of users and not solely focus on the interests of the business.
Deprioritizing the needs of users can harm the success of a business. [ more ]
6 months ago

Andy Murray's 21m business empire - five of his key successes as Scot adds to social media portfolio

Andy Murray has joined LinkedIn to promote his business interests on the platform.
Murray is already active on Instagram and Twitter and sees LinkedIn as an opportunity to share updates on his investments and charity work. [ more ]
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