German Greens to join parliamentary opposition DW 02/25/2025The Green Party's disappointing election results leave them in opposition and struggling for influence in the new government.
German Greens grapple with poor election result DW 02/25/2025The Greens face a significant political setback, losing coalition status and experiencing a decrease in electoral support.
Germany's Green Party grapples with poor election result DW 02/25/2025The Green Party, led by Habeck and Baerbock, faces significant challenges after losing votes in the Bundestag elections.
Green Party grappling with poor election result DW 02/25/2025The Green Party faced a significant decline in support in the recent Bundestag elections, leading to feelings of frustration among its leaders.
SPD's Scholz and CDU's Merz spar on migration, economy, AfD DW 02/09/2025Germany's political landscape is sharply divided ahead of the upcoming Bundestag elections, with competitive visions from Scholz and Merz.Polls indicate a tough election for Scholz as his party struggles against Merz's CDU.
BSW faces hard fight in first Bundestag campaign DW 01/12/2025The BSW aims to secure Bundestag representation with at least 5% of the vote amidst significant challenges.Wagenknecht's alliance faces hurdles due to its controversial stance on Ukraine and potential coalition-building.
German Greens to join parliamentary opposition DW 02/25/2025The Green Party's disappointing election results leave them in opposition and struggling for influence in the new government.
German Greens grapple with poor election result DW 02/25/2025The Greens face a significant political setback, losing coalition status and experiencing a decrease in electoral support.
Germany's Green Party grapples with poor election result DW 02/25/2025The Green Party, led by Habeck and Baerbock, faces significant challenges after losing votes in the Bundestag elections.
Green Party grappling with poor election result DW 02/25/2025The Green Party faced a significant decline in support in the recent Bundestag elections, leading to feelings of frustration among its leaders.
SPD's Scholz and CDU's Merz spar on migration, economy, AfD DW 02/09/2025Germany's political landscape is sharply divided ahead of the upcoming Bundestag elections, with competitive visions from Scholz and Merz.Polls indicate a tough election for Scholz as his party struggles against Merz's CDU.
BSW faces hard fight in first Bundestag campaign DW 01/12/2025The BSW aims to secure Bundestag representation with at least 5% of the vote amidst significant challenges.Wagenknecht's alliance faces hurdles due to its controversial stance on Ukraine and potential coalition-building.