FCC chair nixes plan to boost broadband competition in apartment buildingsThe new FCC chair's withdrawal of a proposal on bulk billing is praised by housing industry lobby groups for its consumer benefits.
FCC chair says landlords can force bulk internet service on residentsThe FCC has discarded a proposal that aimed to offer more internet service choices for apartment residents.
FCC Stops Considering Bulk Billing Proposal, Citing Potential for Cost IncreasesThe FCC rejected a proposal to eliminate bulk billing for tenants, stating it would increase internet costs, contrary to previous assertions.
FCC chair nixes plan to boost broadband competition in apartment buildingsThe new FCC chair's withdrawal of a proposal on bulk billing is praised by housing industry lobby groups for its consumer benefits.
FCC chair says landlords can force bulk internet service on residentsThe FCC has discarded a proposal that aimed to offer more internet service choices for apartment residents.
FCC Stops Considering Bulk Billing Proposal, Citing Potential for Cost IncreasesThe FCC rejected a proposal to eliminate bulk billing for tenants, stating it would increase internet costs, contrary to previous assertions.