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1 month ago

Australia's Massive Military Budget

The 2025 federal budget allocated an extra $50.3 billion to defense over the next decade, totaling $764.6 billion, significantly impacting other budget areas. [ more ]
1 month ago

Sudden State Funding Freeze Leaves Transit Agencies Hanging - Streetsblog California

Transit agencies in California face uncertainty and reduced budgets due to delayed funding release, impacting operations and federal grant applications. [ more ]
Brooklyn Paper
3 months ago

Community groups Preserve Park Slope and Park Slope Civic Council merge * Brooklyn Paper

Community group Preserve Park Slope merged into Park Slope Civic Council for stronger advocacy.
Park Slope Civic Council focuses on street safety, development concerns, and city budget impacts. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Budget won't shift dial' on Tory poll woes, Tim Farron says as plans announced

Tim Farron believes Jeremy Hunt's Budget won't impact Tory poll ratings.
Farron emphasizes voters prioritize personal concerns like NHS and food prices over polls. [ more ]
3 months ago

Four in 10 Irish parents skip meals or reduce portions so their children have enough to eat, new study shows

Food insecurity is worsening for families, with parents skipping meals or eating smaller portions to feed children.
More parents are sacrificing their own leisure, hobbies, children's activities, and medical costs to afford food. [ more ]
New York Post
2 weeks ago
NYC politics

$500M of taxpayer dough wasted? Hochul, MTA lack Plan B for NYC congestion pricing infrastructure

The Hochul administration is facing potential loss of half-billion dollars due to canceled congestion pricing scheme. [ more ]
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