Infinity in CSS can be used inside a calc() statement for practical applications like achieving the highest possible z-index value.
Infinity in CSS does not represent true infinity; it is essentially a very large number, with varying values across different browsers and operating systems.
I'm worried about the tabbing behaviour, rather than the syntax and name of CSS masonry
CSS masonry can enhance a grid layout for a better user experience, ensuring compatibility and functionality across different browsers.
Playing with Infinity in CSS
Infinity in CSS can be used inside a calc() statement for practical applications like achieving the highest possible z-index value.
Infinity in CSS does not represent true infinity; it is essentially a very large number, with varying values across different browsers and operating systems.
I'm worried about the tabbing behaviour, rather than the syntax and name of CSS masonry
CSS masonry can enhance a grid layout for a better user experience, ensuring compatibility and functionality across different browsers.