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New York Post
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Rick Scott rips Biden, Schumer for "lawless" border crisis

Sen. Rick Scott criticized President Biden for running a 'lawless' and 'open' border.
Scott accused Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, of acting as Biden's 'little robots' in supporting the open border policy. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
US politics

Justice Department sues Texas over state immigration law

The Justice Department has sued Texas over a new state law that authorizes the arrest and removal of undocumented immigrants by local police and judges.
The Justice Department argues that the law is unconstitutional and interferes with federal immigration enforcement responsibilities. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden White House Asks Supreme Court to Allow Federal Removal of Texas's Razor Wire at Border

The Biden administration has filed an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court to lift a lower court injunction blocking the removal of razor wire along the US-Mexico border.
The motion expedites the process for lifting the injunction and requests a faster response for national security purposes. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
US politics

Justice Department sues Texas over state immigration law

The Justice Department has sued Texas over a new state law that authorizes the arrest and removal of undocumented immigrants by local police and judges.
The Justice Department argues that the law is unconstitutional and interferes with federal immigration enforcement responsibilities. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden White House Asks Supreme Court to Allow Federal Removal of Texas's Razor Wire at Border

The Biden administration has filed an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court to lift a lower court injunction blocking the removal of razor wire along the US-Mexico border.
The motion expedites the process for lifting the injunction and requests a faster response for national security purposes. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

New Home Office Plans for 'Frictionless Travel' in UK: Facial Recognition at Airports

The UK Home Office plans to introduce "frictionless travel" at British borders, eliminating the need for passports.
Advanced e-gates with facial recognition technology will be installed at airports.
Alongside the e-gates, an electronic travel authorization (ETA) system will be implemented for foreign arrivals without visas. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Tells Reporter in St. Croix His New Year's Resolution is To Come Back Next Year'

Like many people, President Joe Biden is making New Year's resolutions but his sounds pretty easy to accomplish.
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago

Willie Wilson: My predictions for public safety and the economy in Chicago for 2024

Public safety is a major concern in Chicago, with increasing rates of robberies, carjackings, and violent crimes.
The issue of migrants and new arrivals, as well as the porous southern border, will continue to be a problem in 2024. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago
Social justice

2023 in review: A look at immigration and the city's migrant crisis through Tribune op-eds

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot began busing migrants to Chicago long before Mayor Brandon Johnson was sworn into office.
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Report: Trump Wants 300K Troops to Build "Detention Camps" at Southern Border

Former President Donald Trump plans to send an unprecedented number of troops to the southern border if elected in 2024.
The plan includes building migrant prisons and a network of immigrant detention camps. [ more ]
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