How Is the Economy for Black Voters? A Complex Question Takes Center Stage.The 2024 election will heavily depend on the Black vote, influenced by the economy.
Harris and Trump, locked in tight race, seek edge among undecided votersBoth candidates are mobilizing crucial voting blocs as election day nears, with polls indicating a tight race and significant undecided voters.
Harris and Trump, locked in tight race, seek edge among undecided votersBoth candidates are mobilizing crucial voting blocs as election day nears, with polls indicating a tight race and significant undecided voters.
To win Michigan, Trump must earn the urban black and Latino voteTrump could win Michigan by capturing 20% of the black vote, changing its Democratic landscape.Democrats rely on urban votes in Michigan to secure victories.
Democrats Can't Rely on the Black Church AnymoreThe Democratic Party's reliance on Black churches for voter engagement is declining as younger African Americans turn away from religious institutions.
To win Michigan, Trump must earn the urban black and Latino voteTrump could win Michigan by capturing 20% of the black vote, changing its Democratic landscape.Democrats rely on urban votes in Michigan to secure victories.
Democrats Can't Rely on the Black Church AnymoreThe Democratic Party's reliance on Black churches for voter engagement is declining as younger African Americans turn away from religious institutions.