A Black Studies Curriculum Is (Defiantly) Rolling Out in New York CityNew York City public schools have launched a curriculum centered on Black Studies, integrating culturally relevant teaching with historical content.
Staten Island's own Sandy Ground is key unit in NYC Black studies curriculumThe new Black studies curriculum in NYC public schools will include lessons on Sandy Ground, the oldest free Black settlement in the US.
A Black Studies Curriculum Is (Defiantly) Rolling Out in New York CityNew York City public schools have launched a curriculum centered on Black Studies, integrating culturally relevant teaching with historical content.
Staten Island's own Sandy Ground is key unit in NYC Black studies curriculumThe new Black studies curriculum in NYC public schools will include lessons on Sandy Ground, the oldest free Black settlement in the US.
Some Thoughts on the Work of Africana Philosopher Mukasa MubirumusokeMukasa Mubirumusoke challenges Afropessimism by proposing 'paraontological fugitive blackness,' a concept of escape from oppressive narratives surrounding black existence.
Black professor faces police probe after calling Calvin Robinson house n*gro'The investigation into Professor Kehinde Andrews highlights tensions surrounding the expression of Black political thought in contemporary discourse.
Nathan Hare dies at 91; sociologist created first Black studies program in US at San Francisco StateNathan Hare was a key figure in establishing the country's first Black studies program through a five-month strike at San Francisco State University in 1969.
CUNY awarded $5 million for ethnic studies graduate programCUNY received a $5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to launch the state's first graduate degree program in Black, Race, and Ethnic Studies.The grant will support incoming doctoral students and new professors, with an emphasis on advancing research and coursework on race and ethnicity.
Nathan Hare dies at 91; sociologist created first Black studies program in US at San Francisco StateNathan Hare was a key figure in establishing the country's first Black studies program through a five-month strike at San Francisco State University in 1969.
CUNY awarded $5 million for ethnic studies graduate programCUNY received a $5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to launch the state's first graduate degree program in Black, Race, and Ethnic Studies.The grant will support incoming doctoral students and new professors, with an emphasis on advancing research and coursework on race and ethnicity.