#birth rate

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4 months ago
France politics

French connections - France's falling birth rate: To bebe or not to bebe?

France's birth rate in 2023 was only 678,000 babies.
Emmanuel Macron's plan to address the decline in birth rate is facing pushback. [ more ]
4 months ago

London schools at risk of closure as families flee the capital, report warns

London's school system is at risk as families leave the capital, resulting in a drop in demand for school places.
The decrease in demand is due to a falling birth rate and families leaving London because of Brexit, the pandemic, and the cost-of-living crisis. [ more ]
4 months ago

A TikToker Sparked Outrage For Questioning 'Priorities' Of Working Parents

The declining birth rate in the US can be attributed to factors such as access to reproductive healthcare and increasing educational and career opportunities for women.
Many Millennials are choosing not to have children due to financial constraints. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

An unspoken pain: Tackling France's infertility problem

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced a plan to revive France's sluggish birth rate and address the country's growing infertility problem.
One in four French couples suffer from infertility, making it one of the biggest public health issues in the country. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

'Natalist injunctions': Macron sparks uproar with call to revive France's birth rate

President Macron's plan to revive France's birth rate is causing controversy, with accusations of seeking to control women's bodies.
Macron is proposing better parental leave and combatting infertility to boost birth rates, but critics argue that these policies are contrary to women's autonomy. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago
Social justice

Sagging birth rates are as bad for the US as illegal migrants

America's birth rate is currently at one of the lowest levels in history, well below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman.
The number of migrants arriving in America is set to surpass the number of children born to Americans this year, highlighting concerns about population growth. [ more ]
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