Proactively validate your AWS CloudFormation templates with AWS Lambda | Amazon Web ServicesAWS CloudFormation Hooks improve infrastructure compliance and security by allowing custom logic during operations, particularly through the use of Lambda hooks.
Five ways Amazon Q simplifies AWS CloudFormation development | Amazon Web ServicesAWS CloudFormation simplifies resource management with infrastructure as code.
Use AWS CloudFormation Git sync to configure resources in customer accounts | Amazon Web ServicesAWS CloudFormation Git sync enhances control and automation for deploying infrastructure changes, benefiting AWS partners and their customers.
Introducing a managed hook for Guard | Amazon Web ServicesGuard hooks enhance compliance by integrating AWS CloudFormation Guard rules into deployment processes, simplifying resource management and enforcement of policies.
Peek inside your AWS CloudFormation Deployments with timeline view | Amazon Web ServicesAWS CloudFormation simplifies infrastructure provisioning and enhances visualization of stack events during deployments.New timeline view provides deeper insights into resource provisioning and failures.
Proactively validate your AWS CloudFormation templates with AWS Lambda | Amazon Web ServicesAWS CloudFormation Hooks improve infrastructure compliance and security by allowing custom logic during operations, particularly through the use of Lambda hooks.
Five ways Amazon Q simplifies AWS CloudFormation development | Amazon Web ServicesAWS CloudFormation simplifies resource management with infrastructure as code.
Use AWS CloudFormation Git sync to configure resources in customer accounts | Amazon Web ServicesAWS CloudFormation Git sync enhances control and automation for deploying infrastructure changes, benefiting AWS partners and their customers.
Introducing a managed hook for Guard | Amazon Web ServicesGuard hooks enhance compliance by integrating AWS CloudFormation Guard rules into deployment processes, simplifying resource management and enforcement of policies.
Peek inside your AWS CloudFormation Deployments with timeline view | Amazon Web ServicesAWS CloudFormation simplifies infrastructure provisioning and enhances visualization of stack events during deployments.New timeline view provides deeper insights into resource provisioning and failures.
AWS CloudFormation Linter (cfn-lint) v1 | Amazon Web ServicesCloudFormation Linter (cfn-lint) enhances AWS CloudFormation template development.cfn-lint v1 introduces significant upgrades, leveraging CloudFormation registry resource provider schemas for improved performance.