Austin's new CapMetro Rapid lines debut with buses every 20 minutes - Austin MonitorCapital Metro has launched its delayed Rapid lines with temporary service while working towards a full rollout of electric buses.
Austin unveils how light-rail could change the city in new report with detailed maps - Austin MonitorAustin's light-rail project is advancing with a detailed report outlining environmental impacts and station locations crucial for federal funding.
Cap Metro to build second set of train tracks in East Austin - Austin MonitorCapital Metro is enhancing the Red Line with a double track to improve train frequency and safety.
Austin's new CapMetro Rapid lines debut with buses every 20 minutes - Austin MonitorCapital Metro has launched its delayed Rapid lines with temporary service while working towards a full rollout of electric buses.
Austin unveils how light-rail could change the city in new report with detailed maps - Austin MonitorAustin's light-rail project is advancing with a detailed report outlining environmental impacts and station locations crucial for federal funding.
Cap Metro to build second set of train tracks in East Austin - Austin MonitorCapital Metro is enhancing the Red Line with a double track to improve train frequency and safety.