Filter trouble? Why audiologists worry noise-cancelling tech may impair hearing skillsOveruse of noise-cancelling headphones may impair auditory processing skills in both adults and children.
Are noise-cancelling headphones to blame for young people's hearing problems?Auditory processing disorder (APD) can significantly impact one's ability to understand and focus on sounds.There is a potential link between the overuse of noise-cancelling headphones and the development of APD.
Filter trouble? Why audiologists worry noise-cancelling tech may impair hearing skillsOveruse of noise-cancelling headphones may impair auditory processing skills in both adults and children.
Are noise-cancelling headphones to blame for young people's hearing problems?Auditory processing disorder (APD) can significantly impact one's ability to understand and focus on sounds.There is a potential link between the overuse of noise-cancelling headphones and the development of APD.
Trouble Understanding Spoken Words?Individuals with ADHD are more likely to experience auditory processing difficulties, impacting their daily interactions and communication.
Common condition could explain why you need subtitles to watch TVAuditory Processing Disorder (APD) can make following conversations in noisy environments difficult, leading individuals to rely on subtitles.