How Did Microbes Contaminate a Pristine Asteroid Sample?The discovery initially thought to be alien life turned out to be earthly contaminants from rigorous sample handling procedures.
Bacteria found on a space rock turn out to be Earth-grownStudy reveals Earthly bacteria in asteroid sample, highlighting risks of contamination and cautioning against claims of extraterrestrial life.
How Did Microbes Contaminate a Pristine Asteroid Sample?The discovery initially thought to be alien life turned out to be earthly contaminants from rigorous sample handling procedures.
Bacteria found on a space rock turn out to be Earth-grownStudy reveals Earthly bacteria in asteroid sample, highlighting risks of contamination and cautioning against claims of extraterrestrial life.
Signs of Life in Asteroid Sample Turn Out to Be Something EmbarrassingResearchers found Earth-origin microorganisms in Ryugu samples, questioning the evidence for extraterrestrial life and highlighting challenges in contamination management.
How the perils of space have affected asteroid RyuguHigh-velocity micrometeoroid collisions can alter an asteroid's magnetic properties over billions of years in space.