How Locking, Saturation and CDN Network Issues Brought Down CanvaCanva's November 2024 outage was due to multiple factors including API Gateway failure and CDN routing issues, not software bugs.
A Strange Yucca Tribute Concert: Configuring Kong API Gateway With Micronaut Services in Kotlin | HackerNoonKong serves as an API gateway enabling efficient management of application access and enhancing user engagement monitoring.
A Single Point of Access or Chaos - Unlocking Non-Blocking API Gateways | HackerNoonThe article emphasizes the importance of choosing the right monitoring setup and understanding API Gateway patterns when developing microservices.
Implementing the API Gateway Pattern in a Microservices Based Application with Node.jsMicroservices offer scalability, flexibility, agility.API Gateway is crucial for managing microservices communication, enhancing security, performance.
A Single Point of Access or Chaos - Unlocking Non-Blocking API Gateways | HackerNoonThe article emphasizes the importance of choosing the right monitoring setup and understanding API Gateway patterns when developing microservices.
Implementing the API Gateway Pattern in a Microservices Based Application with Node.jsMicroservices offer scalability, flexibility, agility.API Gateway is crucial for managing microservices communication, enhancing security, performance.
Designing and Implementing Request Throttling | HackerNoonImplementing throttling in distributed systems is essential to preventing service overload and ensuring stability.
Hookdeck CLI: a Free Ngrok Alternative for Async Web Dev | HackerNoonngrok has shifted from developer-centric solutions to a broader service model, making alternatives like Hookdeck more suitable for certain use cases.
What is an API gateway?Zato is used as a multi-protocol Python API gateway to integrate popular technologies, handle requests, enrich data, and return responses in preferred formats.
Why and How to Go All-In on GitOps - DevOps.comGitOps is most beneficial when fully embraced to automate and streamline operations.
AWS Lambda Development at Scale: Using Composable ArchitecturePulumi app component enables unique pipeline configuration for application deployment.Lambda component can be defined along with configurations like runtime, memorySize, and layers.
AWS Lambda Development at Scale: Using Composable ArchitecturePulumi app component enables unique pipeline configurations for app deployment, including custom app types like Pulumi.
Moving Beyond IaC: Infrastructure into ComponentsCreating a Pulumi App component as an entry point for executing Pulumi commands helps manage dependencies and configurations effectively.
Moving Beyond IaC: Infrastructure into ComponentsCreating a Pulumi App component is vital for executing Pulumi commands, such as pulumi up, to manage resources like AWS S3 buckets and API Gateways efficiently.
AWS Lambda Development at Scale: Using Composable ArchitecturePulumi app component enables unique pipeline configuration for application deployment.Lambda component can be defined along with configurations like runtime, memorySize, and layers.
AWS Lambda Development at Scale: Using Composable ArchitecturePulumi app component enables unique pipeline configurations for app deployment, including custom app types like Pulumi.
Moving Beyond IaC: Infrastructure into ComponentsCreating a Pulumi App component as an entry point for executing Pulumi commands helps manage dependencies and configurations effectively.
Moving Beyond IaC: Infrastructure into ComponentsCreating a Pulumi App component is vital for executing Pulumi commands, such as pulumi up, to manage resources like AWS S3 buckets and API Gateways efficiently.