David Glowacki, physicist: The idea of living for 500 years scares me more than death'Near-death experiences can profoundly change perspectives on life and death, often reducing anxiety.
The Surprising Benefits of Talking Out Loud to YourselfSelf-talk can enhance clarity, reduce anxiety, and promote confidence, helping individuals process thoughts and emotions effectively.
An Unconventional Path to Relieving Stress and AnxietyChanging your perspective on problems can reduce stress and anxiety.Cognitive reframing encourages healthier emotional reactions to life challenges.Balanced anxiety can motivate performance without leading to impairment.
The Surprising Benefits of Talking Out Loud to YourselfSelf-talk can enhance clarity, reduce anxiety, and promote confidence, helping individuals process thoughts and emotions effectively.
An Unconventional Path to Relieving Stress and AnxietyChanging your perspective on problems can reduce stress and anxiety.Cognitive reframing encourages healthier emotional reactions to life challenges.Balanced anxiety can motivate performance without leading to impairment.
I hold low-key parties at my house monthly. It's been the best thing for my social life.Hosting low-stakes social gatherings can significantly improve personal social lives and alleviate social anxiety.
These Airport Lounges Are Personal Favorites of T+L EditorsAirport lounges significantly reduce travel-related anxiety with amenities such as food, drink, and comfortable spaces.
Music That's "Guaranteed" to Make You Relax?Music is subjective and personal; different genres can help individuals relax based on their mood and preferences.
Why scientists say you should masturbate before public speaking eventOrgasms provide a cognitive boost and reduce anxiety, making individuals ready for high-pressure situations like presentations.
Can Weed Improve a Workout?Cannabis use before exercise can enhance enjoyment and focus, alleviate chronic pain, and reduce anxiety.Many amateurs are incorporating cannabis into their workout routines for its potential benefits in enhancing the exercise experience and managing pain.
Self-Supportive Touch to Calm Your MindTune in to your body by pausing throughout the day to notice it, complementing a healthy lifestyle for stress management.
Scientists create an AI chatbot that lets you talk to your future selfSpeaking with Future You, an AI simulating oneself at age 60, reduces anxiety and enhances connection with future self.