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Electronic Frontier Foundation
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Sen. Wyden Exposes Data Brokers Selling Location Data to Anti-Abortion Groups That Target Abortion Seekers

Near sold location data of individuals seeking reproductive healthcare to anti-abortion groups for targeted advertising.
Near enabled the targeting of anti-abortion content at people who had visited Planned Parenthood and similar clinics using location data. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
5 months ago

Republican Officials Openly Insult Women Nearly Killed by Abortion Bans

Pregnant people are viewed as obstacles to privileging fetal life in anti-abortion efforts.
The denial of basic maternal health care and treatment is resulting in the death of pregnant women. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

House Speaker's Former Client List Includes Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Extremists

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who is second in line to the U.S. presidency, represented clients with far-right and often violent viewpoints as a constitutional lawyer.
Johnson worked on behalf of the far-right Christian group Alliance Defending Freedom, representing anti-abortion activists in a lawsuit against the city of Milwaukee in 2009. [ more ]
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