Can Virtual Reality Make Hiring Fairer?Anonymized resumes improve fairness in initial recruitment stages, though in-person interviews can still expose biases.Virtual reality allows for masked physical appearances during face-to-face interviews.
'Anonymous' genetic databases vulnerable to privacy leaksLinking private and public genetic data poses risks to research participants' health information privacy.Single-cell data sets are not as secure as previously thought against privacy leaks.
Ad Tech Companies Should Heed The FTC's Warning About Hashing | AdExchangerHashing data does not anonymize it; hashed identifiers are considered personal information by regulators like the FTC.
Thousands of Phones and routers swept into proxy service, unbeknownst to users40,000 routers have been infected with TheMoon malware for anonymizing illicit activitiesThe infected devices are being enrolled into Faceless, a service for anonymizing online crime activities