This cat travels upstairs in style in its very own "cat elevator"An inventive method has been found for bringing outdoor cats back home, using a basket and rope system.The video showcases a clever way to transport cats effortlessly.
12 Pet-Friendly Airlines to Fly in 2025Many US airlines allow pets to travel with their owners, reducing the anxiety of leaving them behind.
The smell of 100 pigs in the hold pushed a Boeing 787 into an unexpected diversion during a Transatlantic crossingA KLM flight diverted to Bermuda due to an unbearable smell from pigs in the cargo hold, resulting in significant delays for passengers.
It's Happening: Pandas Are on Their Way to the National Zoo - WashingtonianTwo giant pandas, Bao Li and Qing Bao, are arriving at the National Zoo, reviving panda diplomacy in Washington after nearly a year without them.