The Judicial Conference Should Continue to Liberally Allow Amicus Briefs, a Critical Advocacy ToolAmicus briefs play a crucial role in legal matters, but proposed changes to filing rules could limit their submission.
Filing Suggests Google Paying Amici To Flood Docket With More BriefsGoogle's influence over amicus briefs undermines judicial impartiality in legal cases.
Is Google Simply Asking for More Efficient Infringement?Three new amicus briefs were filed supporting EcoFactor against Google, emphasizing risks to patent damages law and jury trial rights.
Filing Suggests Google Paying Amici To Flood Docket With More BriefsGoogle's influence over amicus briefs undermines judicial impartiality in legal cases.
Is Google Simply Asking for More Efficient Infringement?Three new amicus briefs were filed supporting EcoFactor against Google, emphasizing risks to patent damages law and jury trial rights.
VIP Amici Say CAFC's Case Against Newman Ignores Disability Act's Safeguards, Threatens Judicial IndependenceThe Federal Circuit's actions against Judge Newman may threaten judicial independence and justice for other federal judges.
The Silent Circuit: The Growing Backlash against Rule 36 No Opinion Judgments from the Federal CircuitThe Federal Circuit's no-opinion judgments are under scrutiny, with multiple amicus briefs advocating for a Supreme Court review.ParkerVision's legal challenge highlights the necessity of issuing detailed opinions in patent cases.
VIP Amici Say CAFC's Case Against Newman Ignores Disability Act's Safeguards, Threatens Judicial IndependenceThe Federal Circuit's actions against Judge Newman may threaten judicial independence and justice for other federal judges.
The Silent Circuit: The Growing Backlash against Rule 36 No Opinion Judgments from the Federal CircuitThe Federal Circuit's no-opinion judgments are under scrutiny, with multiple amicus briefs advocating for a Supreme Court review.ParkerVision's legal challenge highlights the necessity of issuing detailed opinions in patent cases.
In Abortion Cases, Legions of Friends' Seek to Persuade Supreme CourtThe study on amicus briefs in abortion cases over the last 50 years shows a shift towards more intense advocacy against abortion, particularly in advancing fetal personhood.