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1 month ago


American cinema has a history of depicting intergenerational relationships with a focus on white youth desired by male adults.
Recent films Tár and May December challenge traditional gender roles in portraying intergenerational relationships, questioning ethical boundaries in desire. [ more ]
4 months ago

Six great films that turn 50 in 2024 to watch on streaming

1974 was a great year for American cinema, with filmmakers from different generations and styles producing notable works.
Chinatown, directed by Roman Polanski, revitalized the film noir genre with its story of betrayal and self-destruction. [ more ]
6 months ago

Sex in Cinema: The Hays Code, Censorship, and Film's First Culture War

American cinema can be divided into three eras of censorship, with William H. Hays playing a part in all of them.
Hays rose to power in the movie industry due to the influence of Thomas Edison's monopoly on film patents.
Early silent films contained sexual innuendos and challenged traditional ideas of gender roles. [ more ]
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