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5 days ago
Artificial intelligence

TechScape: What we learned from the global AI summit in South Korea

Success measured by multiple agreements and commitments at the Global AI Summit. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

First companies sign up to AI safety standards on eve of Seoul summit

The voluntary AI safety standards introduced at the Bletchley Park summit have been signed by 16 companies, setting a precedent for transparency and accountability in developing safe AI. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

Global AI tech companies agree to set of safety outcomes in world first'

A precedent for global AI safety standards set by 16 tech companies committing to safety outcomes. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Top AI Companies Join Government Effort to Set Safety Standards

Top US AI companies are joining a government-led consortium to establish federal standards on AI safety.
The consortium includes major tech players such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, and IBM. [ more ]
The Conversation
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Australians are concerned about AI. Is the federal government doing enough to mitigate risks?

AI may boost the Australian economy by 40%, but also impact 40% of jobs worldwide
69% of Australians are nervous about AI, compared to only 23% of Japanese [ more ]
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