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4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ASA Censures Eurostar for Misleading Ad; Record Year for UK Broadband; California Introduces New AI Regulations

Eurostar censured for misleading ad claiming seats from £39 each way
2023 saw record-breaking broadband use in the UK [ more ]
The Verge
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

California senator files bill prohibiting agencies from working with unethical AI companies

California state senator Steve Padilla has introduced bills to regulate AI systems used by state agencies.
The bills aim to establish safety, privacy, and non-discrimination standards for AI services, as well as provide access to compute resources and data for academics. [ more ]
Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Policy Brief | The AI Regulatory Alignment Problem

Common proposals to regulate AI, such as mandatory disclosure, registration, licensing, and auditing regimes, may not be effective remedies for all AI-related issues.
The regulatory alignment problem occurs when regulatory regimes fail to address the specific risks of AI or conflict with other societal values and goals.
Establishing an AI super-regulator may lead to redundancy, ambiguity, and conflicting jurisdiction. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Overheard in the newsroom: three predictions for AI in 2024

AI will become more pervasive in everyday life.
AI will face increased regulation.
AI will generate new ethical dilemmas. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Privacy and AI policies to watch in 2024

2024 will be a busy year for tracking new privacy laws at international, national, and state levels, in addition to regulations around AI and antitrust.
Google is planning to deprecate third-party cookies and has begun testing a Tracking Protection feature to block them before a full phase-out in the second half of 2024. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI's Biggest Challenges Are Still Unsolved

2023 was a pivotal year for AI, with the emergence of generative AI and increased public interest.
AI regulation was a major theme in 2023, with executive orders and laws aimed at governing AI technology. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU Agreement on the Text of a New 'AI Act'

Establishing an AI regulatory officer role may be necessary for organizations to ensure compliance with the AI Act.
The proposed AI Act in the EU prohibits certain uses of AI, including facial recognition systems in public spaces and cognitive behavioral manipulation. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Top researchers quantify chances of AI causing human extinction

Five percent of AI experts believe AI will lead to collapse, while 10 percent believe there's a 25 percent chance it will destroy the human race.
Possible causes cited by experts include AI enabling threatening groups, authoritarian rulers using AI for control, and AI worsening economic inequality. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

AI lang syne: A look back on 2023 and considerations for 2024

The FTC has made it clear that existing laws apply to AI systems and has taken actions against companies for violative practices involving AI.
President Joe Biden issued an executive order and the Office of Management and Budget proposed a memo to regulate AI development and use in the government. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU lassos tech giants in bid to rein in the AI Wild West

Big Tech spent twice as much on deals with Generative AI startups than venture capital groups in 2023.
The EU proposed outright bans on some AI applications and obligations on developers of AI deemed high risk. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU Moves Forward With New Rules for AI

New EU legislation on AI aims to provide safeguards for its use while protecting European businesses
The AI Act categorizes AI systems based on risk and impact on citizens and bans certain uses of AI [ more ]
5 months ago
US news

In 2024, Expect New Debates on A.I., Gender and Guns

State legislatures will be debating divisive issues such as transgender rights, abortion, and AI regulation in 2024.
State legislatures can serve as laboratories of democracy and inspire federal government action on AI regulation. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Top 10 AI regulation stories of 2023 | Computer Weekly

The release of generative AI models in 2022 sparked urgent discussions on the need for AI regulation.
The UK Parliament launched inquiries into various aspects of AI technology, including autonomous weapon systems and general AI governance. [ more ]
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