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New York Post
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Here's how much artificial intelligence will add to New York's economy

AI will create $320 billion value in NYC by 2038 [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

What we've learned from the women behind the AI revolution | TechCrunch

The AI industry is booming with companies raising significant capital, regulatory concerns, and a focus on academic and corporate activities.
Women in AI are underrepresented in media discussions despite their significant contributions to the field. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

What we've learned from the women behind the AI revolution | TechCrunch

The AI industry is experiencing significant growth and investment opportunities for startups.
There is a noticeable gender disparity in the representation and discussion of men versus women in AI. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Two best AI stocks to buy

Tech giants are investing heavily in AI, expecting sector growth over 15% this year.
Nvidia and Service Now Inc. are identified as the best AI stocks for investors, with proven consistent growth and promising future prospects. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Top 50 AI tools according to Writerbudddy report| App Developer Magazine

The top 50 AI tools attracted over 24 billion visits between September 2022 and August 2023, with ChatGPT accounting for over 60% of the traffic.
The AI industry saw an average of 2 billion visits monthly over the past year, with a surge to 3.3 billion in the last 6 months.
The US contributed 5.5 billion visits, accounting for 22.62% of the total traffic, while European countries contributed 3.9 billion visits. [ more ]
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