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2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI Demos Voice Engine, But Not Ready for Wide Release | Entrepreneur

OpenAI is holding back on releasing its text-to-speech realistic voice generator Voice Engine due to concerns about synthetic voice misuse.
Voice Engine has the ability to mimic someone's voice emotionally and realistically based on a 15-second sample, supporting non-verbal individuals and aiding in language translation and reading assistance. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI detection tools for audio deepfakes fall short. How 4 tools fare and what we can do instead - Poynter

AI-generated audio used in robocalls led to FCC ban
Challenges in detecting AI-generated audio clip
Deepfake audio is easier and cheaper to produce than video [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Scandal as AI-Generated Audio of Politician Slamming Colleague Goes Viral

AI-generated audio deepfakes a politician's voice in a viral clip of him insulting a colleague.
The incident highlights the potential for AI to be used for political mischief and deception. [ more ]
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